Consider this an emotional detox before Mercury ends its retrograde on Friday.
- May 24 Zodiac is Gemini - Full Horoscope Personality.
- Pop Culture.
- Today's Sagittarius Horoscope for December 25, 2020.
Your boss, a person in authority or a coworker is willing to lend you a helping hand. Accept what is offered graciously. There may be a small catch however, so be prepared to repay the favour when the time comes. Expect an overdue conversation to flow smoothly when Mercury shifts gears and quits its retrograde on Friday. At best, you will both emerge triumphant, having found a mutually beneficial compromise. Venus loves to revel in the sisterhood and wants nothing more than to reconnect you with an important female in your life.
Try to assess the situation from a loving vantage point and ditch the need to be right. La Luna enters your sign on Thursday, regurgitating an issue from your past or bringing a childhood friend into focus. Find the time to see someone special, otherwise you may lose the opportunity, even if you had every intention of catching up. Sharing a precious memory will help you to discover a sense of belonging that brings joy and healing.
Revolutionary Uranus is shaking up your zone of home and family, helping to push you out of your comfort zone by attending to an important task. Your creative genius is on fire when Neptune, your planetary ruler, kisses Mercury on Monday. Instead, keep your thoughts and dreams close to your chest. A senior member of the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, she has presented cosmic updates for Your Life Naturally and has appeared as a special guest on podcasts, including Sivana and Healthy-ish.
Please sign in to contribute to the Mamamia Community. If you're not already a Mamamia member, sign up it's easy, we promise. There may be a small catch, however. Leave a comment. Natasha Weber. It will back peddle in your sector of work, so you will assuredly see some delays and miscommunication there. Last to note in January will be a potent Full Moon on the 28th.
This luminary falls within your sector of rest and privacy and will encourage you to recharge and enjoy some TLC. Schedule a spa day. Saturn and Jupiter moseyed on into your sector of fertility, passion, creativity, and love and took up newfound residence there last month.
Until , Saturn will be giving you life lessons surrounding all of these areas. On one hand, he could make it more difficult for you to get them, but the thing about Saturn is that he is forcing you to work harder then ever. You may feel as if you are carrying burdens in these areas or that your heart is feeling a bit more battered and bruised. However, the more persistent you are, the greater the rewards will be. Be proactive on how you push toward any of these things. Your saving grace will be Jupiter, though, who often acts as a guardian angel and protects us in an area of life.
This means that next year you may feel as if you are taking two steps forward and then one step back in these areas of life. Jupiter also has the tendency to connect us with life-changing soulmates.
March 24 Zodiac: Aries
So do not fear, Libra, happiness will still manifest for you abundantly. My favorite thing about these two planets moving simultaneously is that they will merge their power together, revealing that fertility, passion, creativity, and true love will be the most important focuses for you in the two decades to come. Single Libras will fall in love more deeply than ever before and quite likely find their perfect soulmate. Those looking to conceive will have breakthroughs and finally become parents. Libras who have younger children will find that they blossom and grow and make them prouder than ever.
If you are an artist, you will create your most visionary art.
Next to note is that fiery Mars will venture into your intimacy sector on the 6th for two months—amping up your need for affection, sex, and union. If there are underlying problems in your relationship, they could come out now. Lovely Venus will move into your domestic sphere on the 8th and a New Moon here will appear on the 13th—opening a door to more happiness at home or with family.
March 24 Birthday Astrology
If looking to move, this luminary may bring you the perfect living space or roommate. However, if signing a lease or contract, be sure to do so as soon as you can because Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month. Last to note will be a Full Moon on the 28th that highlights your social sector. This could bring an invite to a luxurious and wonderful event that could hold personal and professional opportunities.
Your weekly horoscope for March 24, according to an astrologist.
Even if you choose to attend via ZOOM or digitally, you could be very happy with the results. It is also quite possible this luminary may have a friend step in to open a door to one of your heartfelt hopes and dreams. The Universe is smiling on you, Libra. Saturn and Jupiter glided side-by-side last month into your sector of home and family to take up residence here for some time to come.
Saturn will bring you life lessons around these interests and cause you to work very hard to set down roots that will last for decades to come. This may mean that now or in the years ahead you will be highly focused on renovations or fixing up your home or even relocating. While there is likely to be some challenges around family, this will make you stronger and could help you all grow closer.

Connections with your kindred will prosper and you could even be welcoming more people into your family. The two planets will merge their power to set this up as your main focus for the two decades to come. Your family will grow, you will truly set down the roots that make you feel more stable than ever before, and you will make peace with your past. Next to note this month will be when mighty Mars heats up your sector of partnerships from the 6th onward for two months. This means that you will have an intense urge to unite with others, whether that be personally or professionally.
This will make you realize that you can go much further with the right person at your side rather than flying solo. If single, be on the hunt, or if committed, use this vibration to set significant goals for the two of you. Another theme this month will be all about communications. This will be triggered by a New Moon on the 13th, which will see you focusing on writing, speaking, advertising, or branding endeavors. You may now have the impetus to update your website, launch a podcast, or revamp your social media.
Use the week after it to do so. However, do so as soon as you can as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month and it is never wise to launch things during that time. Last to note this month will be the Full Moon on the 28th, which could bring a major milestone in your professional life. You may suddenly see a prize job, promotion, award, or achievement come your way. Reach toward your ambitions, as this could be a pinnacle moment of your year. Saturn and Jupiter moved last month to take up residence in a new domain for you, Sagittarius.
In the coming years, Saturn will teach you life lessons regarding how you communicate with the world. It is likely you will take on more important projects around writing, speaking, advertising, and branding. There could be some people that challenge your point of view, but this will be to make sure you are articulating everything much more clearly. Brainstorm unique advertising and social media techniques to take you into new horizons!
These two powerhouse planets are merging their powers, which sets the tone for the coming two decades. Many Sagittarians during that time will find that they are more curious than ever about the world and begin doing everything possible to learn more about it. Some will enroll in courses that fine-tune their skills and some could even become highly successful in public speaking, writing, or major influencers on social media.
Your skills in advertising and branding could lead you to revolutionize industries and become some of the most sought after talent in these realms. Many Sagittarians will launch highly successful radio and media shows, as well as publish important works. If any of these areas is of interest to you, I encourage you to start making a plan now because the doors are opening. Next to note this month is that mighty Mars will remain in your passion sector, amping up your romance, creativity, and fertility until the 6th.
Use this first week to bring more spice into your union or set dates with prospective options. Venus will also make you stunning and magnetic until the 8th—another fortunate tool to bring pleasure and happiness. On the 6th, Mars will parade on into your productivity zone assuring that you will be tremendously busy on the job for the two months to come. There is another way this may manifest and it could be that you are especially fired up to crush fitness goals. Money will also be a prominent theme this month, with a New Moon highlighting finances on the 13th.
This could bring a new job your way, a raise, large check, or lucrative client. Be on the hunt for the gold.
Lucky color
However, if signing a contract, be sure to do so as soon as you can, as Mercury will go retrograde at the end of the month. Last to note this month will be a Full Moon in your expansion sector that takes place on the 28th. This luminary could bring a culmination to a media, publishing, academics, travelling, or immigration matter. Last month, Saturn and Jupiter moved from your zodiac sign into your financial zone, establishing residence for the time to come.
Until , you will have Saturn teaching you important life lessons about money management and making your nest egg grow larger than ever before.