In general, these are timeframes where communication, technology, data, mail, and mass transportation can be slowed down in some way. It is especially important to note who you meet or who reaches out to you when the trickster planet goes retrograde, as this is often an unresolved issue that needs to be taken care of in order to move forward. The first of Mercury's retrograde cycle enters shadow in the sign of Aquarius on January 15, stations and moves retrograde on January 30, and continues until stationing direct on February 20, clearing shadow on March This can be a redoing or rewinding cycle of looking at your more innovative qualities and can even lead to many creative enhancements for the greater good.
The second transit shadow begins on May 14 and leads to a station retrograde on May The trickster planet remains in this editorial zone until going direct on June 22, and finally clearing shadow on July The final of this swift planet's retrograde cycles occurs in Libra, entering the shadow zone on September 6, stationing retrograde on September 26, and transiting direct on October 18 and leaving shadow on November 2. This will be a more relationship-based cycle influenced by the Venusian planet of love.
There can be a lesson regarding romantic communication and information uncovered during this cycle. The lunar waves continue to reflect the north node's presence in Gemini and the south nodes cleansing release in fiery Sagittarius.
February 17 Zodiac – Full Horoscope Birthday Personality | ZSH
The first eclipse activity of the year begins with a total lunar eclipse in the sign of the Centaur that can test your boundaries in some capacity. The cycle reflects the past in many ways and can feel like you need to revisit certain elements of your life in order to move forward. This can also affect travel and opens up your mind to more esoteric subjects. On June 10, an annular solar eclipse in communicative Gemini can feel like a fresh breath of air or at least leads to great clarity around partnering and looking at life from different sides of the coin. Throughout the year, there's a major theme of duality and being able to balance out the original visions through one's ability to discern and sort out the details.
Jumping to conclusions is a possibility, especially during dispute settlements.
Wealth, Property
However, in general, there is a keen ability to connect through extremely wise and honest conversations. The world is met with some more grounding eclipse energy on November 19 with a partial lunar eclipse transiting through the solid sign of Taurus. Some will feel delighted to have this energy around, especially earth signs or signs with a strong need to plan ahead. Looks like you have some coming your way and it's going to stick around long enough for you to extricate yourself from a situation that is restricting your freedom.
You are on course to gain the power to live your life according to your own rules and beliefs. It's taking a long time to reach a special heartfelt dream. It's left you wondering if you'll ever get there. Do you have the confidence to keep your resolve? Yes, because you have shown in the past that it is a chief gem of your character. With the Saturn-Uranus alignment taking a prominent place in the year ahead, you will gain great confidence in your resolve to attain your goals. As long as you stay on the path with heart, a way will be found to make your dreams happen.
If it's meant to be, then it will happen. And it most certainly is meant to be.
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The less you worry, the faster you'll reach your goal. Old sources of angst no longer torment you. Life has moved you to a higher level of understanding.
It's time to survey your future with your newly found emotional and spiritual strength. With the Saturn-Uranus link up, it will soon begin to dawn on you that you are free to move on from an old and protracted drama. Factors that were once so worrisome will soon become rather insignificant. Don't give way to cynicism. The answer to a dilemma you are struggling with has been staring you in the face for ages.
Be proud of who you are and what you have to offer. A big move you are planning will prove highly worthwhile. You are getting into training. You are preparing for the big events and dramatic challenges that await you down the line.
You are building up your strength and developing your stamina. Don't get bogged down in detail. Just be aware that, if you can rise above a particular problem, you can gain a high level of perspective which will stand you in good stead emotionally and financially. Progress regarding an important goal will pick up at last. Whatever has been holding things up was simply a natural pause. The Saturn-Uranus alignment is a refresh button that will offer a break from the past and rekindle your passion for your life's mission.
You can forget the trouble of the past and embrace a more inspiring future. Your current challenges are preventing you from seeing the positively stellar outlook that lies ahead. Despite your challenges, there is a way to successfully weave your way through your difficulties. A problem that has weighed heavily on you will begin to dissolve and diminish in power. You have a brighter future than you suspect. The solution to an old and problematic personal issue will be solved with the direction of the Saturn-Uranus cycle.
There's a precious diamond glinting in the sunlight along your path. Go ahead and pick it up. It's yours. Resist any tendency to dip into a mood of gloom. Well, you won't have to try hard judging by what the stars have in store in this year ahead. Remain patient and amiable in face of less than perfect circumstances when they come up. Certain obdurate people in your world who cannot comprehend the wisdom of your words have a lot less influence than you think. Don't allow them to negatively affect you. Don't feel bad, mad or sad.
Just be tolerant and as wise as you know how to be.
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The Saturn-Uranus alignment will assure you that all is well and getting better. A lack of choice can often be preferable to a surplus. We don't always want to make decisions.

Too many choices can lead to negative fear-filled expectations. And this would only push you into an oppressive mood of apprehension and anxiety. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will help make you more decisive. You'll come up with the right choices when you most need them. You will receive an abundance of enlightened inspiration to power through all your challenges.
Your special 2021 horoscope: Prepare for a new age of truth and compassion
You are moving onto bigger and better things. Messages will come in mysterious and obscure ways. People who believe they can find solutions to your problems sometimes get rather adamant about it. No matter how vociferously you try to explain your case, they remain incapable of respecting your ideas. Ranting and raving won't make a scintilla of difference — not even a modicum. You can turn a blind eye to their condescension but that won't help.
The best way to get your point across is to be firm. The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year is a wake up call. You'll find that you won't be able to suffer fools gladly any longer. If a revolution is called for, then you're the one to lead it. You are due to receive much needed support. Go ahead and allow yourself to feel confident. Envisage a future in which you have overcome your temporary difficulty. When we are brave enough to face the unknown and take a chance on following the calling of our heart, we inevitably place ourselves in a precarious position. Your feelings of vulnerability are quite natural due to celestial circumstances.
Mercury’s first retrogradation in 2021 (January 30 – February 19 )
The Saturn-Uranus alignment this year will teach you to trust your entitlement to success. Do remind yourself of how you managed to achieve miracles in the past. There is no reason to think you won't do it again.