For some of us, this could cause a stagnant period of evaluation in our love lives, while others will see much-anticipated financial change. Astrology can't guarantee everything that happened in will be magically fixed in , but it can say that healing takes front and center stage. Read your sign's horoscope to see what areas of your life need extra attention.
As the world starts to heal from the pains of , you need to let go of any habits that may have developed while isolating that no longer serve you. This year brings opportunities for magnificent love, as long as you don't ruin it with an infamous Aries temper tantrum. Read your full horoscope here. Last year left you with plenty of time to think, Taurus, and wants you to act on your desires because you are worth it. This will likely manifest most obviously in your professional life, so don't be surprised if you leave one job for something bigger and better that fills your soul.
Practice self-care and don't for a second forget your worth, or else you could risk missing out on an opportunity made for you. After the economic chaos of , this year offers you opportunities to rebuild and grow professionally, but it won't be easy for you or anyone else, Gemini. The hard work and effort you put in last year will start to pay off, but you'll need to keep up some of the momentum.
An eclipse in your sign brings a burst of unexpected news, further encouraging your personal growth that the new year brings.
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
You're an expert when it comes to taking care of other people, but asks you to let other people take care of you. This may be hard to do, as it can be difficult to admit when you're vulnerable, but I pinkie promise that it's for your own health and happiness.
You are ruled by the sun, Leo, so you were actually born to be in the spotlight. Social distancing was hard for everyone, but it's possible it affected your sign the most, leaving you to get creative. As the world starts to heal in , you'll feel like a lion trapped in a cage bursting to get out.
Sagittarius 2021 Yearly Horoscope
When you do, you'll want to say yes to every date and every opportunity, but beware of short-term thinking, Leo. Your mission is to practice patience and be discerning. As the healer of the zodiac, kept you busy, Virgo. When you weren't out there giving out masks and delivering meals you became an emotional net for friends and family, and it's likely you over-extended yourself. This year, it may be helpful to work through the trauma you've experienced, either by getting a therapist, meditating, or simply making more time for long walks.
Doing things that make you feel calm and balanced may just help you erect boundaries to bring in healthier relationships. As the sign of partnerships and balance, did a number on you. Not only was the world total chaos, but you had to primarily switch to flirting via sext, which while fun, is not the same as batting your eyelashes in real life. However, you still managed to get your fair share of attention.
This year offers a chance at healthy, stable, and long-term love, you just need to keep your eyes and heart open. The pains of may have brought out your dark side, Scorpio. That doesn't make you a supervillain but it does mean that you may have raised your stinger a few times to pick fights with those closest to you. But that's okay; if the last year has taught us anything, it's that life can be hard, and we all deserve a little more grace.
Now that you know how you react in some situations, do what you can to stop giving in to any overly aggressive tendencies. It's OK to adjust your calendar to allow for more time to indulge in self-care and rest — you're syncing up the energies of your mind, body, and spirit now. While you'll be hyper-focused on perfecting your routine and prioritizing self-care, your heart may pull you in a few other directions, bringing up lots of emotions around commitment, partnerships, and romance.
Be open with your lover about your fear, needs, and desires as you move forward. Your love life is lighting up with luck and optimism today, so take advantage of the good vibes. General Overview For Libra Zodiac Signs: This is a great year for fostering your inner child and figuring out what brings you joy, Libra.
You're learning more about your creative process and the way you channel inspiration, so be patient with yourself as you experiment with ways to express what's in your heart. There are also endless opportunities in romance through , so while you may unexpectedly run into deeper feelings than you bargained for, remember that it's all part of the process. Love In For Libra Zodiac Signs: I hope you're ready to get your flirt on and put pleasure in the driver's seat — because this year has the potential to bring lots of sexy adventures, heart-flutters, and exciting romantic escapades.
If you're linked up, now's a time to focus on joy and upping the passion-level in your partnership. If you're single, enjoy the freedom and inspiration that comes along with crushes, flings, and lighthearted love affairs. Whether you want to pour your heart into romance or a creative pursuit, today is a day where everything's coming up roses for you, Libra. This might manifest through making your living situation feel cozier and more secure.
Or you might be making adjustments to your close circle of friends and choosing to surround yourself with a more trustworthy crew.

Either way, it's important to address anything that's tugging at your personal foundations. If you're in a relationship, you might be moving toward a more domestic territory — perhaps by discussing a live-in partnership or by simply getting more comfy hanging out with each other at home. If you're dating, be open about your desire for emotional availability, because you need someone you can share your most vulnerable feelings with. Step into your power today, Scorpio, because right now you can conquer whatever goals stand in front of you.
You're learning to be more present and pay attention to the people, situations, and things in your immediate environment, which will make your daily interactions feel more fulfilling. You're also finding opportunities to connect and network come more easily, so this could be a year filled with new friendships. Practice mindfulness and be thoughtful about the way you express yourself to help keep yourself grounded.
Love In For Sagittarius Zodiac Signs: With this year's eclipses hitting your relationship axis, you're going to have several opportunities to start anew in love in — whether that's by jumping into a new relationship, ending something that's run its course, or finally forgiving past hurts and clearing up drama in a current partnership. Don't hold back when it comes to talking through your feelings with your lover. If you want to make a bold move in love, today's the day to take a risk and be spontaneous. It's a great period in your life to make or revamp your personal budget and take stock of your financial situation.
This could be a year of big spending, but it could also be a year of big earning and saving if you play your cards right. Make sure to treat yourself to some special splurges throughout the year to celebrate your progress. Love In For Capricorn Zodiac Signs: You're leaning into your sensual side this year and learning to listen to your body when it comes to love. While there are many ingredients that must combine to make a romantic relationship work, it's important to prioritize the power of pleasure now.
Sagittarius Horoscope - Sagittarius Yearly Predictions
Learn to ask your lovers for exactly what makes you feel good — and don't be afraid to spoil each other with gifts and extra physical affection. Everything you touch turns to gold today, Capricorn, so make some power moves in your career. This clash between the two planets only occurs every 22 and a half years and signals power struggles between conservative thinking and more radical politics.
While the Democrats and Republicans continue to fight to find common ground, on a personal level, Sagittarius, you must communicate your needs surrounding health and healing.
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This doesn't mean dieting or chasing after unrealistic beauty standards, but looking for ways to strengthen your body and mind that work for you, like engaging in therapy and other forms of self-care to get your infamous Sagittarius swag back to full capacity. Your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius and your 3rd House of Communication for most of the year. The healing planet briefly leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces in your 4th House of Home and Family from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28 before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, these Pisces dates may signify an addition to your family, be it a new friend, relationship, or even a baby, if that's what you're going for.
If it's not, use birth control, you horny Sag. A lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in your sign, Sagittarius, and the 1st House of Self reminds you to pull back and focus on you.
Eclipses can be messy, and lead to dramatic and sudden endings. Don't be surprised if an unhealthy relationship or habit ends around this date like a swift cosmic kick in the ass. This year brings three other eclipses, a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 also in your sign, Sagittarius.