Keep things frivolous and try not to plan too far in advance.
The Aquarius man: Love, Sex, Friendship, Style
Let him have his space and give him time for his friends and other interests meanwhile you can see your friends and do your things! What do you think? Are you ready for a few more? Okay, then. That being said, the Aquarius man can often make his fortune by virtue of his genius rather than from sheer hard work and diligence.
He might write a bestselling book, record an award-winning record, but he is unlikely to make CEO of a multinational. Following on from the success of our astrological Love Spells and Affirmations you guys love those things!
How to Attract an Aquarius Man Using the Power of the Zodiac. | The Astrology of Love
Each affirmations has been expertly created to help you The Aries man is driven and determined. Here are some quotes straight from the mouths of famous Aries men, illustrating just what you might be letting yourself in for!
I'm addicted So, what exactly are Love Spells? Here at the Astrology of Love, we're in the business of bringing you closer to achieving the ultimate goal of finding love. We don't think you should let anything get in your way. We certainly don't think something as tawdry as money should get in the way of true All other things being equal, Harry should be the epitome of Aquarian maleness. But is he? How to attract an Aquarius man In a hurry? Be principled and ethical.
Aquarius Man: Love, Personality Traits & More
Be a little mysterious. Be fun and creative. Give him space. Finally, outgoing Leo has an opposites-attract style chemistry with Aquarius—they're opposites on the zodiac wheel, in fact. If you want to get with an unforgettable guy, find yourself an Aquarius! His natural quirkiness and great sense of humor make everything better. This combo is contradictory, sure, but so is Aquarius! If you're not politically knowledgable and involved in activism, that's kind of a turn-off for Aquarius. As calm as he is most of the time, he's passionate when it matters most. And he cares that you care, too.
He wants someone who shares his passion for creating worldwide change, who can also keep him intellectually interested.
Aquarius Man
That being said, your Aquarius boy toy is kind of like Siri. But at the end of the day, he can be such a robot!
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His supercomputer of a brain is the source of his best traits, but is also the reason why he intellectualizes and processes his emotions rather than expressing them. He easily detaches from his feelings, so your relationship will be lacking when it comes to lovey-dovey moments.
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He sometimes adopts a contrary nature just for the sake of being different. Aquarius men also tend to cause a commotion wherever they go. The best advice? They are social personalities who move in extremely varied circles — like the zany high school guy who was somehow able to move smoothly between the jocks, the nerds, and the freaks with little friction, getting along well with everyone. If you go out on the town with an Aquarian , you may notice that he seems to know everybody, saying hi to the servers and gallery owners wherever he goes — but who really knows him?
Few people are patient enough to really peel back the layers and discover what makes this guy tick. The silvery heart of an Aquarian man is like a wonder of antiquated clockwork — this Uranus -ruled guy is often pulling out all the springs and cogs and trying to sort it out himself, but sometimes his emotions get jumbled up with his logic and make a mess of the whole mechanism.

Aquarian men are the original sexy nerds, much beloved by those who find intelligence to be the ultimate aphrodisiac. These guys are often hilarious, with a zany sense of humor that borders on the absurd. Are you and your Aquarius compatible? Find out here.