Save the last 2 weeks of the month for developing a financial strategy that will diversify your funds in more secure options. Finances may be shifting and you may need to gather your funds quickly so you can reinvest in other options. Starting the 5th, the planets are making things you value successful. A wide range of opportunities will present themselves now. You may have recently decided that your path in life is one that should include more travel and higher education.
You need to investigate the self through study of higher realms. Spending a great deal of your time and energy at work may cause you to ignore these areas and a health problem could arise. The 8th promises new relationships or partnerships that will prove beneficial often providing you with the opportunity of a lifetime. Use the 21stnd as your personal power days to seek anything you want. Your wish will be delivered and you can make a lasting impression on others. This February its all about health and fitness.
December 25: Ritual and Tradition
A new insight into your own physical and emotional well being is about to develop. That doubles for being around negative people. Avoid them at all cost and eliminate that type of energy from your environment. Romance beckons you to join in and seek the company of others in the community that might interest you. This can provide you a bit of distraction and excitement very much over due. The answers come to you in a dream or premonition. Beginning a new health regimen will be high on the list of things to do. The solutions may be quite obvious but unique just the same.
On the 23rd the starts brightens the picture a bit. A renewed strength can be found. It serves you well to find the answers through food or fluids you ingest. Evaluate how they effect your physical emotional health. Design a plan to help overcome any obsessions you may have developed over the last few years. Try not to be too nitpicky and avoid being overly critical of self or partner.
You present a picture of one who has it all together despite what others may think it is really possible for your near future. Your service to others is the clue to achieving success in your own life. Its time to get serious about setting some goals again and following through with them.
An older friend or authoritative figure may hold the answers. Sudden upheaval effects the home environment resulting in changes that have been long in the making and will result in a much happier environment. Seek the truth within yourself and develop a contingency plan that will allow you to break ties but still enjoy the perks. Finding it difficult to get over a recent career change you find Mercury and the Sun come to your rescue followed by Venus shortly after.
A wonderful trine in fellow air signs develops promising a lovely time for leisure activity. You can expect to have an especially happy Valentines Day this year. Take time off to get away from it all for the dream weekend of your choice. Intuition is at its best now. Color and sound experiences provide the background for expanding your awareness often healing you in the process. Unusual and inventive ideas flow easily and your choice of medium is unlimited.
This may cause havoc in your home environment possibly causing you to undertake a major construction project or makeover. The latter is what may get you in trouble making you put on extra pounds that may be difficult to shed or spending too much money.
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Your health takes on some unusual quirks now. You may feel particularly nervous and will need to spend time recharging on your days off, void of all stimuli.
Sharp tongue ultimatums will do nothing to advance your position with sibling or neighbors. You may find yourself breaking ties with one or the other for now so that you can reevaluate things. This can be done through astrology or holistic healer. Analyze how patterns at work can effect your well being and emotional health.

If this is not satisfactory than its time to spread your wings a little and look elsewhere for broader horizons. Will you use your present success to advance or let it ride for the next 14 years before you consider making a change? Moon visits you sign on the first 3 days of February bringing a renewed strength and feeling of well being. The bond between parent and child can be especially important now strengthening the connection for both. With the New Moon and the majority of planets visiting your 4th house, home and heritage becomes increasingly important.
Your residence may change and you hold the dream key to the undertaking. Your understanding of relatives both here and recently passed becomes apparent. You may find yourself developing a wonderful flare for some unusual decorating abilities that outshines even the most daring. Invite everyone near and dear and even some that are not so near. Make special plans to be with that special someone then.
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Friends flock to your side and bring some light to your current situation. Realize it is their own weaknesses that have prevented this from ocuring, not your own. You may also see some of your goals come to culmination now lending reason for celebration. Enjoy yourself and enlist the aid of children to bring you to that special place where you connect with all living beings. Let loose your inhibitions and seek the pleasure you once had as a child.
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Water will hold high significance for you now and you may find yourself traveling by air to arrive at waterfront hacienda. Unexpected circumstances bring you exciting changes that will keep you busy for months. Light a pale blue candle for Candlemas and dedicate it to peace. That includes all you may have offended over the last few weeks. You may want to bring some special goodies to work to show others your feelings and beg forgiveness through their stomachs.
You can trust your instincts about neighbors or siblings.
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Work to communicate with them. Keep a journal to help you on that quest for spiritual knowledge. Record all Tarot spreads and take notes of omens or mythological creatures.