Nothing can come between you and your boo. You can experience sudden changes or shifts in a significant working relationship thanks to rebellious Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius shaking up your career all year long. With Jupiter moving into its best position in Pisces mid-year, trust that these changes are setting you up for something better, especially for your wallet. Rise and shine, Virgo!
The North Node in Gemini illuminates your career sector all year, motivating you to share your professional dreams with those who can help make them happen. This transit encourages you to be specific, fearless, and transparent about your goals. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius empower you to claim your power as you develop healthier strategies for your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. The South Node in Sagittarius all year wants to help you heal from childhood experiences by seeing your family and home in a different vision.
So much of what you feel is based on what you choose to see—expand your perception for healing results. Feeling jealous, Virgo? These feelings could come to a head when Jupiter, in tender Pisces, galvanizes your house of romantic partnerships on May 13 and December But don't worry: You can work things out between July December 28, when the expansive planet backstrokes into inspirational Aquarius.
Mark your cal and use that time to heal your love life. Change is good, and this year, it can lead you towards your true calling. Pay close attention in June, when your career path can veer off in a different direction during a transformative Solar Eclipse in Gemini. Bon voyage, Libra!
No, really. The North Node in Gemini all year is opening up borders throughout the year—even if those borders are mental rather than physical. Spend the next 12 months exploring, discovering, learning, and sharing your wisdom, while keeping safety measures in mind, of course.
Jupiter and Saturn in your Aquarius-ruled confidence zone help you separate your worth from your circumstances and find greater self-esteem. The South Node will move through your cognition and communication zone all year, helping you tell the difference between compassionate straight talk and people-pleasing fluff. If anyone can speak the truth kindly and respectfully, it's you, Libra—so do it! But is looking so much brighter and it's not because of your phone screen. The cosmos is granting you a dose of genius this year!

With Jupiter influencing your creativity and work all year, you'll be filled with fantastic ideas—and Saturn in Aquarius is giving you the practical focus you need to take those thoughts and actually make them a reality. You also can become a thought leader in your industry or teach others your expertise—think TED Talk. Use your words, Scorpio! The North Node in chatty Gemini transits your intimacy, sexuality, and truth-sharing zone all year. You're notoriously guarded, but this transit wants you to balance your need for privacy with brave self-disclosure.
As you speak out, Jupiter and Saturn in your Aquarius-ruled family and home zone helps you find the people, places, and feelings that keep your tender heart safe. In the spring and summer, Jupiter moves through your Pisces-ruled confidence zone, helping you step out and show out. The South Node moves through your Sagittarius-ruled income zone all year, motivating you to find a more optimistic relationship with finances—tricky, I know, especially now, but this transit is here to help!
Get ready to take a ride on the rollercoaster of love! Your self-worth is closely tied to your money, and this year, the Universe is pushing you to own the magic you bring to the workplace. You could land a gig paying you more, or decide to strike out on your own. Either way, this year is changing how you earn your coin. And thanks to Uranus challenging the norm in who you want to work with all year long, new collab opportunities can change the way you do biz entirely.
It takes two…or more, Sagittarius! The North Node in your Gemini-ruled romantic relationship zone all year is helping you find experiences where you can balance your love of freedom with your desire to connect with others. The best relationships have both, after all.
Jupiter and Saturn transiting your Aquarius-governed communication zone throughout the year remind you of what you already know—your speaking and listening skills play a huge role in your life. Smooth out those miscommunication errors and choose your words carefully! Give yourself an inner makeover for greater integrity and success. Letting go of past romantic hurts is hard, but you have the opportunity to connect with someone special if you release the fear you have within. This is a year of self-evolution for you, and the Universe is confirming that your work relationships are on par with where you're going.
Not only that, but your daily work routine is set to completely evolve.
It's all about the details, Cap! The North Node in your Gemini-ruled wellness zone all year helps you think about how little choices lead to huge results.
Your Sign's 2021 Horoscope Predictions Are Here
Take small steps towards making your big dreams come true. The South Node in Sagittarius all year helps you find closure through a spiritual practice or forgiveness strategy. Healing is yours, Capricorn! This will allow your relationship to evolve by the time of the eclipse on November Financial transformation is the theme of your year.
You could feel the need to go from employee to entrepreneur and do your own thing. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are influencing your earned income and charging up your creativity. An innovative opportunity can change the game for you. This is a year of destiny for you, Aquarius! Ideas about how to make your job more pleasant are yours on the 11 th. Libra: If you are looking for love, you might find it on the 9 th. An intuition about how to bring more money into your life is yours on the 13 th. Scorpio: Ideas are abundant for you on the 4 th.
Write them down. You may be tempted to change your mind on the 14 th.
How is the Year 2021 Going to be?
Emotions may run high on the 28 th. Sagittarius: You have an abundance of ideas on the 11 th. Others like what you have to say on the 28 th. Children could cost you money on the 13 th. An idea on how to increase your income is yours on the 23 rd. Aquarius: Speaking impulsively could get you into trouble on the 12 th. Expect the unexpected on the 26 th. Pisces: Friends are especially nice to you on the 1 st. You have some ideas about how to make your friends happy on the 8 th.
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Read your blog, you have explained the things easier in comparison to another astrology blogs. Keep posting informative things. Skip to main content. There will be opportunities to meet new and exciting people from more varied backgrounds. Even relationships with long-term partners can benefit from your experimental and open-minded desires. November 30, , to May 26, — Lunar Eclipse November quincunx your decan can cause an inability to truly relax and find harmony in relationships.
Constant stress and tension can make you feel anxious, neurotic, and insecure. In order to avoid your stress levels climaxing into an outburst or some emotional crisis, you must learn to adjust, compromise, or adapt your behavior. In this way, a sort of equilibrium can be reached. You can be very successful in your personal and professional life by living in this highly energized state of give and take.
10+ Birthday Horoscope ideas | birthday horoscope, birthday, happy birthday
January 7 to 17 — Venus in your decan brings love, peace and harmony. You should be feeling and looking beautiful so this is one of the best times of the year for socializing and dating. Others will find you attractive, charming, and very affectionate. May 9 to July 31 — Jupiter sextile your decan is a time of happiness and optimism when good things will seem to come more easily.
However, take care not to become greedy, selfish, overconfident, or extravagant during Jupiter retrograde from June 20 to July November 4 to 17 — Venus in your decan again brings love and affection but this should also be a good time for your finances. An eye for a bargain and a good fashion sense is ideal for shopping. This is the right time to purchase jewelry, clothes, gifts, cosmetics, and getting haircuts and beauty treatments.
December 25, , to February 16, — Jupiter sextile your decan again brings opportunities for increased wealth and prosperity. New adventures will expand your horizons and broaden your outlook on life. You could increase your wealth through investments, business deals, the law, or through plain good luck.
Spiritual and material growth is possible through long-distance travel, further education, or the law.