The Gemini likes to sample and is up for role-playing and kinky fun. The detached Gemini nature makes them morally uncommitted. Some Geminis have double standards—one for you and one for them. This complicates the issues of loyalty and respect. With two outrageous flirts, it's hard to know how solid the bond actually is. With grounding planets and an effort to be honest, a little foundation of solidity can be the basis for a long-term relationship. With a smidge of maturity, two Geminis keep each other entertained, always looking for new things to do, see, and learn about together.
They'll create either a whirlwind affair that burns out quickly or a dynamic duo that surprises even themselves—and everyone in their vast circle—by creating something real. Two Geminis with an understanding can find a home base in the union. What starts as a friendship stays one, with the freedom to grow in every possible direction. A double Gemini home is filled with books, magazines, and music. Gemini is the eternal student, and this pairing could comprise educators, writers, journalists, or broadcasters. As a couple, they're flexitarians, open to all lifestyles, and so they attract a truly extraordinary collection of friends and acquaintances.
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- gemini best of both sides;
They're more open than other signs to bisexuality, and this could be part of a polyamorous philosophy. It's hard to shock a Gemini and some play for both teams. A Gemini couple is likely to have an unconventional setup, whether the relationship is bicoastal or they're living together only part-time. With two Geminis, there can be best friends or sibling-type vibe in an arrangement that suits their freedom-loving lifestyle. A Gemini home is full of laughter and friends. Two Geminis that find a universe in the other, have tapped the fountain of youth. Below are the signs that have the best compatibility with Gemini.
Libra is considered to be the best Gemini match.

Libra and Gemini share a great desire to learn, and they both are able to converse intelligently with people from all backgrounds and every walk of life. Indeed, Libra is one of the few important signs in as many topics as Gemini is.
This means that Gemini will not get bored with Libra. These two signs understand each other on an intuitive level.
Gemini Compatibility - Gemini Love Horoscope -
Additionally, both of these signs enjoy flirting, and so they will not get annoyed with each other or jealous. They will enjoy entertaining and will have a very active social life. Gemini and Leo are also a great love match. These signs are similar enough to keep each other interested and entertained. They are different enough that they can balance each other.
In turn, Leo will provide stability for Gemini. Like a butterfly, Gemini can flit from person to person and from activity to activity. This sign is constantly on the move.
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Although Leo is energetic, this sign prefers to stay in one place and does not change easily. The biggest challenge for a relationship with Gemini natives is that they tend to wander off rather than work through problems. Similar to Leo, Aquarius makes a good match by providing stability and balance for Gemini. Aquarius has a great deal of intellectual curiosity and is usually knowledgeable about a wide variety of subjects.
While Aquarius may not be able to converse on as wide a range of topics as Gemini can, this sign tends to be knowledgeable about rather quirky topics. This will be a delight to Gemini. Aquarius and Gemini bring out the best in each other. Aquarius can provide an anchor to Gemini, which will help the Gemini make the best use of their talents and gifts.
In turn, Gemini can help to lighten the sometimes heavy nature of Aquarius. Another great match for Gemini is Aries. It is hard to get bored in a relationship with an Aries native. This sign is constantly busy and doing something new. Aries thrives on situations most other signs would prefer to avoid. This makes Aries a lively companion for Gemini. Gemini is also able to manage the combative nature of Aries in a way few other signs can. Gemini is easy-going and rarely gets riled or upset. Natives of this sign are able to go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes their way.
Indeed, when Aries tries to start an argument, Gemini will view it as an intellectual challenge. Gemini will happily be a verbal sparring partner for Aries, and fights will generally end with a wonderful time in the bedroom. Scorpio is considered the worst match for a Gemini. They have no common basis for understanding each other, and they have a very difficult time communicating with each other.
The differences between these signs are not easily reconciled. The only thing that these signs can do is to develop a sense of humor and learn to agree to disagree. For as long as there is enough respect and listening between them, the intellectual side of their relationship will be intact.
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The sign of Gemini is not that emotional to begin with. The good thing is that they both know this and find a rational explanation of the benefit of their mutual lack of emotion. It is to be expected that the more open Gemini will build a deep emotional bond with their partner, although their feelings might not be returned.
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Since they rely on an intellectual connection with someone, they could find true emotional satisfaction in their communication, but this is easily shattered due to the fact that mental compatibility is not the same as emotional, let alone sexual. Often, they will deny this and hold on to what they have, until one of them gets swept of their feet by someone who wakes their emotions with silence. This is a value that two Gemini will passionately share.
Gemini compatibility
The problem is in the fact that they think too much, and feel much less. If they could get out of their head for a couple of seconds, they might realize that their chest is crying out for intimacy, closeness and compassion. This title says it all. They share activities. All of them. If one of them wants to do… well basically anything, the other one will follow out of pure curiosity, and vice versa. After they share an experience, they will put it through a mind filter, talk it out, and move on to the next one.
There is really no stopping for these two and no one can follow them like they can follow each other. The relationship between two Gemini will give other signs of the zodiac an almost certain headache. They will go everywhere together, do everything together and talk about everything with one another, again and again, until one of them loses interest in the other. Because of their possibly superficial approach, it is best if they have already had some relationships with depth before they met each other. This could give them the quality to last together for longer than a week or two.