Someone may make your day by taking you for an outing. An investment may not give the kind of returns you were hoping for. An alternative therapy may not be as effective as expected.
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Prospects of making it big on the professional front look bright. Possession of a house, previously booked by you, may become a reality soon. A permanent solution to a recurring problem is likely to be found.
Difficulties on the financial front that you had been facing up till now begin to disappear. Despite your hard work the end result may not be much encouraging on the professional front. Maintaining a happy balance of diet and exercise will take care of all your health problems. Those trying to travel overseas can face visa related difficulties. Selling a piece of land or an ancestral house can lead you to big money. Someone may seek your guidance in a personal matter. Financial gains are indicated and can bring you on a firm footing.
You may concentrate on becoming fitter than you already are by joining a gym or taking up an exercise regimen. Love Focus: You will manage to strengthen loving bonds by sharing tender feelings with lover.

A great outing with friends is envisaged. Real estate agents can expect a good commission from a deal. Increased cost of something you were planning to buy may make you shelve the idea. You have the magic wand that will swing things in your favour on the professional front! A loan given to a friend may not be returned in a hurry. Freedom from an ailment that has been troubling you for long is just round the corner. A new social circle may bring you close to some celebrities.
You can be made responsible for something at work that you dislike. Your decision to put money in a safe investment will prove to be right in the prevailing financial conditions. Something that had been troubling you on the health front may abate, but will require a permanent solution.
Not the best day to spend the weekend at home. Travel only if you have to, as stars are not favourable. Click here to know Gemini Horoscope Predictions. Here on Astrosage, we are providing you pros and cons of any events through Gemini Daily Horoscope. Gemini horoscope today will help you to know about your areas which needs improvement in order to get maximum results. Gemini horoscope comes out as a guidance for you regarding what to do and not to do while performing any special task on a special day.
Daily Horoscope, Today's free horoscope by Peter Vidal - The Indian Express | The Indian Express
Before this guidance, you must learn about the traits of Gemini ascendant people:. Gemini horoscope today is based on the third sign of Kaal Purush Kundali. It is the third house of Kaal Purush Kundali as well as in Zodiac belt. It starts from 60 degree from vernal equinox and ends at 90 degree on longitude. This zodiac sign contains Third and Fourth Padas of Mrigashira , all padas of Ardra and first, second and third padas of Punarvasu Nakshatra. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury.
It is an intelligent planet. No planet either gets exaltation or debilitation in this sign. Saturn and Venus are its friendly planet whereas it shows enmity with other planets specially Jupiter , Moon etc. It is just opposite to the Sagittarius sign in any horoscope. It is first of airy and mutable signs.
It is masculine and positive. Jupiter is said to be detriment in this sign as it is the lord of next opposite house i. Sagittarius, the opposite sign of Gemini. It is a dual sign in Vedic Astrology. Gemini daily horoscope will help you know more about the Gemini Zodiac sign.
As we all know that each and every sign has different traits, hence Gemini too possesses different traits in terms of physical appearance.
If you wish to know more about your day and how it might go, you must read our Gemini daily horoscope. You would be able to know your horoscope through gemini horoscope today.
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You can know more about the characteristics of Gemini Ascendant through Gemini daily horoscope. These people are very dual in nature as characterized by its sign itself. They are capable of doing many tasks. We have discussed about the various characteristics of Gemini born people. You will come to know about your personality traits through this article if you are born as a Gemini. For more details on significations of different aspects of Gemini sign, you must read our gemini daily horoscope.
Profession: Gemini is a dual sign. Due to its dual nature, it can work for multiple tasks at a time. These are born diplomatic. They are alert, active and industrious. They wish to have interesting and varied jobs due to their love for diversity. Here we have listed below some jobs suitable for Gemini sign:. Bookkeepers, clerks, accountants, commercial travellers, salesman, agents, representative, editors, reporters, lecturers, journalists, postal employees, engineering, decorative artists, school teachers, professors, guides, photographers, employees in transport, railway and airways, personal assistants, tutors, cashiers, dealers in scooter and cycles etc.
Environment: Gemini natives look busy due to frequent visits by relatives, business partners, customers and friends. They manage their family well. They love to decorate their home and want to modernize it time to time through renovation or decoration with different items.
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If they are living at a place where owner of the house is mean, then they will definitely not hesitate to change the residence immediately. Marriage: These people are very friendly in nature. So they make friends very quickly. They may also find flaws really quick too. Rather too obviously a handsome, cardio-trained leading man schlubbing down for not many easy laughs, Dhawan Jr bounds onscreen with boyish enthusiasm, but trails a lingering note of condescension — and Dhawan Sr was evidently too busy remembering how best to smash his supporting actors in the gonads to direct anyone.
In this, Coolie really does seem so last century. The well-populated songbreaks — which retain more life and colour than the jokes — reveal this a bigger film than its predecessor. Dhawan now has access to sunnier locations and more expensive hotels; the aim is clearly to give those of us in the cheap seats a sniff of the high life. But with the material as thin as ever, this version seems even emptier: it goes in one ear, and vaporises before it can emerge from the other. In , and in the absence of more pressing entertainment options, such candyfloss might have passed two hours mindlessly enough.
In , this means it will almost certainly be the streaming premiere most likely to go unfinished this season — and competition for that sorry distinction has been fierce. Three vaccine candidates are currently being considered for emergency use authorisation, including those from AstraZeneca and Pfizer. Bharat Biotech has also applied for emergency approval.
While Prashant Kishor believes the upcoming polls would be a fiercely fought political battle between the Trinamool Congress and BJP, he asserts the results would be one sided. It will come in two variants- Standard and Legender. In the latest development, a test mule of the latter was spied during a TVC shoot, showing its key design aspects. As for the highlights, it will have a refreshed look inside-out and shall be offered with two BS6-compliant engines. The government had on Monday directed that all passengers coming from the UK on arrival at Indian airports should be tested main concerns over coronavirus strain spreading in Britain.
As for the highlights, the vehicle offers an all-LED lighting setup, a digital instrument cluster with smartphone connectivity, and a 7-liter fuel tank. It runs on a BS6-compliant cc, fuel-injected engine.